IRA Accounts



Look to the Future Today.

It’s best to plan now for a financially secure future. The earlier you start saving by opening an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), the faster you will reach your investment goals. At Novartis Federal Credit Union, we offer three options, Traditional IRA, Roth IRAs and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts. Coverdell Education Savings Accounts are not retirement savings, but rather tax deferred and federal tax-free savings to help cover the cost of education expenses.

Each type of IRA is available as an IRA certificate or a fixed rate investment IRA. IRA deposits are insured separately from your other savings accounts up to $250,000.

Start Planning Today!

To learn more about our Individual Retirement Account options or open an account in person, please visit our Novartis Federal Credit Union office or call 973-947-1000.

Speak to your tax advisor about the best IRA or savings plan for your retirement planning and tax deferred savings needs. Whether it’s retirement planning or college savings plans, Novartis Federal Credit Union has the right investment account for your needs.

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