Fee Schedule



Effective Date 9/19/2024, Rates Subject to Change

ATM Withdrawals (after 10 free per month)$1.00
Automatic Transfer From Savings
to Checking to Cover Over Drafts
Check Cashing Fee for Non – Members$5.00
Check Printing ChargeDependent Upon Style
Copy of Canceled Share Draft$5.00
Copy of Teller's Check$5.00
Copy of Previous Government Reporting (1099, 1098)$5.00
Copy of Previous Statement (Shares/Loan/Credit Card)$5.00
Credit Card Cash Advances on Non-CU Cards 
- ($50.00 minimum)
3% of Face Value
  ($2.50 minimum)
Club Withdrawals under $200$10.00
Dormant & Inactive Fee per Quarter
- for accounts under $250 aggregate balance
Early Closure of Holiday Club and Vacation Club$10.00
Excessive Savings Withdrawal Fee
- (after 5 per month, each additional occurrence)
Foreign Deposit Item Conversion$25.00
Gift Cards - VISA - from $25 to $500
- (you pick the exact amount)
Insufficient Funds Item$25.00
Interim Statement$3.00
Incorrect Address Fee$7.50
Late Payment on Consumer Loans & Credit Cards
- (per occurrence)
- (per occurrence)
Loan Refinancing Fee$10.00
Incoming Wire Transfer$15.00
Outgoing Wire Transfers (Domestic)$25.00
Outgoing Wire Transfers (International)$100.00
Outgoing Wire Transfers (Returned)$20.00
Over the Limit VISA Credit Card Fee per month$10.00
Over Draft Protection Transfer per occurrence$5.00
Replacement of Lost Credit/Debit Card$5.00
Research on Accounts per hour (member errors)$20.00
Return Deposited Items $20.00
Share Draft Collection Item 20% of face value/$20.00 minimum
Stop Payment Fee$25.00
Third Party Cashier Check Withdrawals$5.00
Travel Cards - VISA Re-loadable Card at Branch$5.95
Verification of Accounts/Letters of Account Status$5.00